01 Nov

Hi. My name is Andy. I have lived near the beau village of Aubeterre-Sur-Dronne in South West France for four years now with my partner Wayne and our amazing dog Bob.

I'll let you into a little secret - my love of soap making was borne from one thing - a septic tank! I know - you're laughing! But seriously, moving to France from our busy lives in London, into a small hameau surrounded by nature and NO MAINS DRAINAGE, meant we had to rethink the use of chemicals in our lives.

So I began to make our own cleaning products - cleaning with vinegar rather than bleach (wow the things you can do with vinegar - amazing) and using baking soda too. Following on from this I decided to try my hand at making our own soap and shampoo. I've always hated the amount of plastic we seemed to throw away from supermarkets and I felt that using well-made handcrafted skin care products, with ingredients from nature rather than chemicals and fillers would be much better for us AND the septic tank!

It has been a long and bumpy ride to make my obsession into a business. I can be a little OCD and so it has taken ages to perfect what I consider to be a superior product which all my friends and family love using.

I make my soaps and shampoos in the traditional way and they feel good, smell great and are kind to your skin. Only the highest quality luxurious oils and butters are used, which are all Vegan, Palm & cruelty free. In addition only natural Essential Oils are used for scent and wherever possible we use natural colourants. And don't let us forget they are PLASTIC FREE too.

After many requests, I have recently expanded my product range to include candles and wax melts. Our eco-friendly candles and melts are made with high quality soy wax. Soy is a renewable resource and so much better for the environment and being natural it burns more slowly and more cleanly with much less soot than paraffin wax candles. I have used either cotton or wooden wicks, and scented them with the highest quality, most scrumptious fragrances. I have chosen only those evocative scents which make you breathe in and smile when you walk into a room.

Lastly, I have also paid attention to my packaging. I am confident of the 'ooh' factor when a customer opens their box even though I am only using recycled and recyclable packaging with minimal ink used. The only plastic is the shipping envelope to protect your box throughout its journey to you so you receive it in pristine condition. I am not resting on my laurels though and am sourcing a more eco friendly way to do this too.

Anyway, it was great talking to you and I really hope you enjoy browsing my website. There may be a few 'we's' and 'our's' in my verbage but in reality of course it's just me in rubber gloves in my newly converted grange in the back garden!
One day though......

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Aubeterre Sur Dronne

Our Bob!

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