It is widely known that commercially made shampoos are not so good for you or the environment. Their ingredients give your hair instant gratification but can be harsh and toxic. Take a look at my blog post 'THE TRUTH ABOUT COMMERCIALLY BOUGHT SHAMPOO' to find out more about these chemicals and the harm they do. Go go Natural.. No plastic; no Parabens; no Sodium Laurel Sulphate; no preservatives; and no fillers or silicones; And just like my soaps they are totally vegan and palm-free of course. They fit nicely in the hand as you rub the bar over your scalp. The shampoo bars are enriched with Apple Cider Vinegar, which gives the most luxurious creamy lather, and clays which help rid your pores of toxins and give great slip. AND NOW INTRODUCING our long-awaited Conditioner Bar! This has been in development for a while now and is at last in production! It will make your hair feel great and lasts forever (well a good while at least :)) Please be aware though - Natural shampoo bars aren’t necessarily perfect for everyone and it is important that you read my blog 'YOU AND YOUR NATURAL SHAMPOO BAR' to fully understand how best to care for your hair. With a little perseverance however, they make a great plastic-free, chemical-free alternative to shop bought ones.