06 Jan

The first thing you should know is that when you first change from commercially made shampoo to natural products, your hair goes through a detox phase. Silicone fillers which have coated your hair are hard to rinse off and take time to break down from the hair shaft. Of course this is different for each of us, depending on hair types and the shampoo you were using beforehand. During this phase however, your hair can look and feel lank and a little greasy/waxy as the chemicals in your hair and on your scalp break down and wash away.

If you are struggling through this initial phase, you can help alleviate these symptoms by rinsing your hair with a 25% solution of Baking Soda and luke warm water (1 part BS to 3 parts water). This will help to remove build up - just rub into wet hair (it will feel a little gritty and goopy but this is normal); leave for 2-3 minutes and rinse off. This should not be used regularly though and you should rinse afterwards with an Apple Cider Vinegar solution (see below) to close your hair cuticles and rebalance the pH of your scalp.

If you can persevere through the initial detox phase however, you will be rewarded with naturally clean, beautifully soft  & shiny hair.

Another thing to be aware of is that hard water is not your friend! The same minerals in hard water that clog up your kettle can crystallize on your scalp over time, blocking pores and making hair feel brittle, frizzy & lack volume. This mineral build up can cause bacterial growth and infections and lead to an itchy scalp and dandruff.

Even most shop bought shampoos can struggle to work well in hard water locations but with all their fillers and volumisers it is not always noticeable. Natural shampoo bars do not have these chemicals in them to compensate however, so appear less effective. They grab the dirt in our hair and on our scalp by using natural fatty acids but the positive ions of the minerals in hard water can prevent them being so effective.

A good way to beat this is to make your own natural conditioner! It’s so simple - all you have to do is make a weak solution of lemon juice and water - about 1 part lemon juice to 4 parts water (but if your hair is greasy then stronger is better.) I use an old shampoo bottle to put it in – a great way of re-using plastic and not throwing it into landfill! The acidity of the lemon not only works to remove the mineral build up from hair, it also balances the pH of scalp, smooths the cuticles and leaves hair feeling soft and silky.

Alternatively try Apple Cider Vinegar used in the same way. This also has antiseptic properties, which help soothe itching or irritation from psoriasis and other skin conditions. The only word of warning would be not to use it if you have cracked skin on your scalp – let it heal first. Oh and don’t worry – you won’t smell like a fish and chip shop – I promise!

So there it is – a totally new, natural way of caring for your hair and the environment. We CAN make a difference!